Friday, December 19, 2008

I'm A Proud Geek...

I'm a proud geek.. and just to clear a few misconceptions... doesn't remotely mean I'm a ghissu (XL lingo... with no english translation...)

The context...

Sheldon is the perfect example of the perfect geek... My new role model...
  • Geeks are sociable people. Ghissus are sociable only with the books...
  • Geeks love technology and products. Ghissus love the reading the theory behind the technology without ever realising that the theory was discovered and rejected for being too complex around two decades back.
  • Geeks are well aware of Page 3 news. Ghissus are well aware of page 3... and not just that.. also page 4,5,6,7,8...100,101,102.....999 of every one of their books.
  • Geeks crack jokes (understanding them requires something extra though). Ghissus can crack jokes only if they have taken humour as an elective and their text-book contains an exercise where they have to pick out phrases commonly called by people as jokes.
  • Geeks love people. Geeks will use all their geekyness to help a friend in need. Ghissus love the people only if they are the authors of their favourite text-book.
  • Geeks are frail (often to the point of being invisible). Ghissus are not. They are often plooomp (this can be credited to their long hours spent in their rooms or library or canteen).
  • Geeks put their friends first (spl in case of fights with others... the reason.. refer the previous point). They will use their geekyness to the breaking-point to solve any problem. Ghissus, they follow Groucho Marx to the letter and have books as their best friends...
  • Geeks have deep emotions (which may or may not be as geeky) and believe in the Saturnalia Miracle. Ghissus are deeply attached to their books (quite literally).
  • Geeks are five-point-someone. For all they care, they could go down another half a point without getting worried. The ghissus.. they often wonder why, even with their near perfect replication of the book, their grades linger around the sevens and eights without once going over the magical figue of 8... BTW a slump of 0.1 often translates to two less hours of sleep everyday...
  • And for the curtain dropper...
    Geeks will know that the territorial boundaries of India extend upto 12 nautical miles into the sea but not who the author of the books they are carrying is... and for the ghissus... well does it matter as long as it is a book they are carrying.
A Proud Geek,


skhajone said...

me too :)

Anonymous said...

Please explain wat a ghissu is...
Is it wat people in XL usually Puneet? :P

Akriti Dharendra said...

funny!!! :)

Ludivine Gof said...

Happy I met such a nice, sociable, fun geek ;)

Puneet said...

Haha... Who?